
Gift Certificates are…
new, new, new.

Our gift certificates are now gift cards. (Yes, of course, we’re still accepting the old certificates.)

Stop in and pick one up for your friend, teacher, coworker, neighbor, or a total stranger.

Order by phone:

Get The Baker’s Special

  • Gift Cards from The Able Baker
  • Lucky Recipient?
    Call 973.313.1133

Other Ways to Give

Shortly after I started The Able Baker, my husband and I started lending money to other bakeries. Kiva, a micro-lending organization, allowed us to find bakeries in countries that are poorer than the U.S. Our first loan (a whopping $50) went to the Troya Group in Bolivia and was repayed promptly. We then rolled it over to another group and another...that $50 has done a lot so far.
